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Прототипы сенсорных модулей, анализаторов и компонентов беспроводных сенсорных сетей применяются для анализа содержания различных веществ в жидкостях, газах и твердых субстанциях. Деятельность осуществляется при грантовой поддержке Фонда «Сколково»

Agriculture & Food Applications

Различные типы сенсоров широко используются в сельском хозяйстве и пищевой промышленности. Мы предлагаем компонентную базу – свето- и фотодиоды среднего ИК диапазона – для создания нового класса приборов для множества сельскохозяйственных и пищевых применений. Использование таких приборов поможет решить множество проблем этих индустрий.

Наши приборы могут быть использованы для решения следующих задач:
• Измерение влажности:
- измерение влажности сельскохозяйственных культур (зерно, бобовые и пр.)
- измерение влажности хлопка, шерсти
- измерение влажности грунта
Humidity is measured by the optical absorption of water. In mid-IR water has the main absorption band at 1800-1950 nm (the data are taken from HITRAN Catalogue). So, we recommend using light emitting diode Lms18LED or Lms19LED and Lms24PD series photodiode.

Spectra of LEDs and PDs for humidity measurement:

• Methane measurement:
- methane concentration measurement in biogas production
- methane quantification in pastures
Methane has the main absorption band at 3200-3400 nm. Weaker absorption bands that can be used for detection are located around 2300 nm and 1650 nm (the data are taken from HITRAN Catalogue). So, we recommend using:
- for compact measuring cells and/or for detection of low CH4 concentrations: light emitting diode Lms34LED and Lms36PD series photodiode;
- for long-path measuring cells and/or for high CH4 concentration detection: light emitting diode Lms23LED and Lms24PD series photodiode.

Spectra of LEDs and PDs for CH4 detection:

• Quantitative analyses of plants, crops and food:
- sucrose/fructose quantification in crops
- proteins measurement
- fibers measurement
- alcohol content measurement
- chlorophyll concentration measurement in petals and leaves

Advantages of our devices:
✔  Non-destructive analysis
✔  Possibility to arrange a compact design of an optical cell thanks to compact size of the LED chip – 0.35 × 0.35 mm
✔  No need of using additional optical filters – LED emission band width is comparable to absorption band width of CH4
✔  Low power consumption (<1 mW)
✔  Short response time (10‒50 ns)
✔  Possibility to achieve modulation ranges of up to 100 MHz
✔  Operation temperatures up to +150°C
✔  Lifetime of 80 000 hours

LED-PD based Evaluation kits, systems and analysers for agricultural applications
For quick start we offer out-of-the-box solutions that can be launched with minimal effort – evaluation systems:
UDK universal evaluation kit with modular design that includes:
- Light emitting diodes LmsXXLED (other LED is available) with an LED driver
- Photodiode Lms43PD-03 (other PD is available) with a preamplifier
- SDM synchronous detector
- Any additional component(s) can be added by request

MDK evaluation kit with modular design that includes:
- Light emitting diode Lms34LED (other LED is available) with an LED driver
- Photodiode Lms36PD (other PD is available) with a preamplifier
- SDM synchronous detector
- Any additional component(s) can be added by request

NEW MDK-c evaluation kit with modular design that includes:
- Light emitting diode Lms34LED-CG (LED with a special glass covering) with an LED driver
- Photodiode Lms36PD-CG (PD with a special glass covering) with a preamplifier
- SDM synchronous detector
- Any additional component(s) can be added by request

NEW MDS-5 system with a compact optical cell that incorporates an LED and a photodiode with a special glass covering. It includes all the needed circuitry for quick setup: LED driver, photodiode preamplifier, synchronous detector.

NEW MDS-4 methane sensor module – a low-cost “on-board” system with very low power consumption that includes a compact optical cell and electronics for LED power supply and PD signal amplification all-in-one.

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